DP6 - VL Music Album Cover

Our final class project is the design of a final Vinyl Music Album Cover.

The album will be a package with a front and back cover and a record label. It will be based upon the lyrics of a particular song by a chosen musical artist. As a message, the album must include:
the title of the album
the name of musical artist 
a visual of the musical artist
the complete lyrics of the song you are referencing in the design.

You will use a visual logic approach for this design.

First, choose a song by a particular musician. List the entire lyrics to the song on your blog, then highlight 18 words particular to the lyrics.

Second, using Google, gather an image (hi-res) for each word. The image does not need to be representative of and/or express the word, It just needs to be visually compelling and associated with the word via a google image search.

Third, add another six images to the visual morgue from other sources. 
They are to include: 
• graphics and type from a discarded package in your trash can
• a hand written note you found somewhere (not written by or for you)
• a picture of a plant
a photo or a scan of an object you found
a photo or a scan of a wallpaper design
an image of a body part

- Post all 24 of these images on your blog.

Fourth, create three compelling compositions using visual elements from at least six of your 24 researched images.

- Post all three compositions on your blog.

Fifth, using the lyrics as a reference, build a final design based upon once of the three compositions. 

Sixth, use the free presentation template found at http://graphicburger.com/vinyl-record-psd-mockup/
for your final layout.

Adjust the photoshop template(s) so that the final presentation includes the front, back and label design together as one single 11x17 image.

Project Schedule
Project Launch                                                 Tuesday, April 10th

Visual Logic Research Due                              Thursday, April 12th
- Work in class
- Three Compositions due by end of class

Design Comp Due                                            Tuesday, April 17th

The client just called and moved the final project due date to Tuesday, April, 24th. 

There will be NO formal class held Thursday, April 19th so you can prepare for the 24th.

Final Design Due (Printed & on Blog)             Thursday, April 19th  Tuesday, April 24th