While most design projects centered around Constructism stress the formal qualilties of the movement – bold san-serif type, the prevalent use of red and black, photography and photomontage, arrows and graphic directionals, asymmetrical and dynamic symmetrical layouts, we will be more concerned with it's emphasis on message construction, compositional hierarchy and strong visual syntax.
Research and find three exemplanary samples of visual communication created by each of the following four constructivist designers in Russia after the revolution in the early 20th century:
• El Lissitzky
• Gustav Klutsis
• Alexander Rodchenko
• Vavara Stepanova
Choose one design example and write a hypothetical creative brief for the project discerned by the design as well as the context (time and place) in which the designer lived.
Analyze the design using the four steps of visual message processing:
• Attention
• Orientation
• Interpretation
• Retention,
then write a short explanation of how your chosen design addresses each step.
Have the 12 samples, a selected design, a creative brief and written analysis posted on your blog by the beginning of class, Tuesday, March 20th.