This poster, an advertisement for Priester matches, was designed by graphic artist Lucian Bernhard in 1906 ( It won first prize in a design competition. It is is considered by many as the singular design which launched the beginning of modern design and advertising as we know it. Most contemporary print and digital advertisements promoting products and services today are descendants of this object poster approach to messaging.
Its significance as a visual message is two fold: first, the use of a simplified image to convey an object or subject, and second, the juxtaposition of a word with that image. The object poster utilizes principles of semiotics and signification, where the word and at the image visually play off one another to create a nuanced signified message in a viewer’s mind.
Phase I-
To begin this design project, choose an object you have some familiarity with. It should be an object that is associated with an activity that you enjoy, or an object that you use on a regular basis.
To begin this design project, choose an object you have some familiarity with. It should be an object that is associated with an activity that you enjoy, or an object that you use on a regular basis.
Research and gather a dozen or two images of your chosen object, including drawings, photographs, graphics, signs, symbols, icons. Choose images of the object only—without backgrounds, people, words, or other objects—just the object.
Once you choose your object and have gathered a collection of images, choose one photograph and one sign or symbol which best represent your object, then create a simplified drawing, or a contemporary object-poster graphic of your object.
Next, choose as least six words (for a total of 18) which describe your object:
• as an Object or thing (what it is)
• as a Process (what it does)
• as a Benefit (what its value is)
Nine Simplified Drawing Compositions -
• Three Image+Word Compositions which convey the object as a physical thing.
- The first composition is a layout of the word+image.
- The second composition is a juxtaposition of the word+image
- The third composition is a configuration of the word+image
• Three Image+Word Compositions which convey the object as a process.
- The first composition is a layout of the word+image.
- The second composition is a juxtaposition of the word+image
- The third composition is a configuration of the word+image
• Three Image+Word Compositions which convey the object as a benefit.
- The first composition is a layout of the word+image.
- The second composition is a juxtaposition of the word+image
- The third composition is a configuration of the word+image
Nine Photograph Compositions -
• Three Image+Word Compositions which convey the object as a physical thing.
- The first composition is a layout of the word+image.
- The second composition is a juxtaposition of the word+image
- The third composition is a configuration of the word+image
• Three Image+Word Compositions which convey the object as a process.
- The first composition is a layout of the word+image.
- The second composition is a juxtaposition of the word+image
- The third composition is a configuration of the word+image
• Three Image+Word Compositions which convey the object as a benefit.
- The first composition is a layout of the word+image.
- The second composition is a juxtaposition of the word+image
- The third composition is a configuration of the word+image
Nine Symbol/Sign Compositions -
• Three Image+Word Compositions which convey the object as a physical thing.
- The first composition is a layout of the word+image.
- The second composition is a juxtaposition of the word+image
- The third composition is a configuration of the word+image
• Three Image+Word Compositions which convey the object as a process.
- The first composition is a layout of the word+image.
- The second composition is a juxtaposition of the word+image
- The third composition is a configuration of the word+image
• Three Image+Word Compositions which convey the object as a benefit.
- The first composition is a layout of the word+image.
- The second composition is a juxtaposition of the word+image
- The third composition is a configuration of the word+image
Each individual composition will be designed with a 3:5 ratio at a minimum size of 3"x5".
If you wish, you may design them at a higher resolution size like 6"x10" or 9"x15".
Each set of nine compositions (Drawing, Photograph & Symbol) will be laid-out as an 11"x17"
vertical page with nine 3"x5" designs, with a 1/2" margin top and bottom and both sides, and a 1/2" spacing between each design.
The objective of this design project is to create as explicit and implicit a message about the object as possible. Be creative with your layouts and push them to, but not beyond, their communicative limits.
Once you choose your object and have gathered a collection of images, choose one photograph and one sign or symbol which best represent your object, then create a simplified drawing, or a contemporary object-poster graphic of your object.
Next, choose as least six words (for a total of 18) which describe your object:
• as an Object or thing (what it is)
• as a Process (what it does)
• as a Benefit (what its value is)
Phase II-
Once your three object images and words have been selected, then create a series of twenty-seven descriptive Image+Word combinations as follows:
Word(s) Word(s) Word(s)
Simplified Drawing (3) Object Messages (3) Process Messages (3) Benefit Messages
- Layout - Layout - Layout
- Juxtaposition - Juxtaposition - Juxtaposition
- Configuration - Configuration - Configuration
Photograph (3) Object Messages (3) Process Messages (3) Benefit Messages
Once your three object images and words have been selected, then create a series of twenty-seven descriptive Image+Word combinations as follows:
Word(s) Word(s) Word(s)
Simplified Drawing (3) Object Messages (3) Process Messages (3) Benefit Messages
- Layout - Layout - Layout
- Juxtaposition - Juxtaposition - Juxtaposition
- Configuration - Configuration - Configuration
Photograph (3) Object Messages (3) Process Messages (3) Benefit Messages
- Layout - Layout - Layout
- Juxtaposition - Juxtaposition - Juxtaposition
- Configuration - Configuration - Configuration________________________________________________________________________________
Symbol/Sign (3) Object Messages (3) Process Messages (3) Benefit Messages
- Juxtaposition - Juxtaposition - Juxtaposition
- Configuration - Configuration - Configuration________________________________________________________________________________
Symbol/Sign (3) Object Messages (3) Process Messages (3) Benefit Messages
- Layout - Layout - Layout
- Juxtaposition - Juxtaposition - Juxtaposition
- Configuration - Configuration - Configuration
- Juxtaposition - Juxtaposition - Juxtaposition
- Configuration - Configuration - Configuration
Nine Simplified Drawing Compositions -
• Three Image+Word Compositions which convey the object as a physical thing.
- The first composition is a layout of the word+image.
- The second composition is a juxtaposition of the word+image
- The third composition is a configuration of the word+image
• Three Image+Word Compositions which convey the object as a process.
- The first composition is a layout of the word+image.
- The second composition is a juxtaposition of the word+image
- The third composition is a configuration of the word+image
• Three Image+Word Compositions which convey the object as a benefit.
- The first composition is a layout of the word+image.
- The second composition is a juxtaposition of the word+image
- The third composition is a configuration of the word+image
Nine Photograph Compositions -
• Three Image+Word Compositions which convey the object as a physical thing.
- The first composition is a layout of the word+image.
- The second composition is a juxtaposition of the word+image
- The third composition is a configuration of the word+image
• Three Image+Word Compositions which convey the object as a process.
- The first composition is a layout of the word+image.
- The second composition is a juxtaposition of the word+image
- The third composition is a configuration of the word+image
• Three Image+Word Compositions which convey the object as a benefit.
- The first composition is a layout of the word+image.
- The second composition is a juxtaposition of the word+image
- The third composition is a configuration of the word+image
Nine Symbol/Sign Compositions -
• Three Image+Word Compositions which convey the object as a physical thing.
- The first composition is a layout of the word+image.
- The second composition is a juxtaposition of the word+image
- The third composition is a configuration of the word+image
• Three Image+Word Compositions which convey the object as a process.
- The first composition is a layout of the word+image.
- The second composition is a juxtaposition of the word+image
- The third composition is a configuration of the word+image
• Three Image+Word Compositions which convey the object as a benefit.
- The first composition is a layout of the word+image.
- The second composition is a juxtaposition of the word+image
- The third composition is a configuration of the word+image
Each individual composition will be designed with a 3:5 ratio at a minimum size of 3"x5".
If you wish, you may design them at a higher resolution size like 6"x10" or 9"x15".
Each set of nine compositions (Drawing, Photograph & Symbol) will be laid-out as an 11"x17"
vertical page with nine 3"x5" designs, with a 1/2" margin top and bottom and both sides, and a 1/2" spacing between each design.
The objective of this design project is to create as explicit and implicit a message about the object as possible. Be creative with your layouts and push them to, but not beyond, their communicative limits.
T – Tuesday, January 30th Object Poster Project Launch
TH – Thursday, February 1st Selected Object Images & Words Due
– Photograph (w/o background)
– Sign/Symbol
– Simplified Object Drawing (designed by you)
T – Tuesday, February 6th Blocked-in Simplified Drawing Word + Image Comps Due
- 3 Image + Word Thing (Object) Compositions
- 3 Image + Word Process Compositions
- 3 + Word Benefit (Value) Compositions
TH – Thursday, February 8th Final Word + Image Composition Sets Due
– Photographs
– Sign/Symbols
– Simplified Object Drawings
T – Tuesday, February 13th Three strongest Word + Image Compositions Due
TH – Thursday, February 1st Selected Object Images & Words Due
– Photograph (w/o background)
– Sign/Symbol
– Simplified Object Drawing (designed by you)
T – Tuesday, February 6th Blocked-in Simplified Drawing Word + Image Comps Due
- 3 Image + Word Thing (Object) Compositions
- 3 Image + Word Process Compositions
- 3 + Word Benefit (Value) Compositions
TH – Thursday, February 8th Final Word + Image Composition Sets Due
– Photographs
– Sign/Symbols
– Simplified Object Drawings
T – Tuesday, February 13th Three strongest Word + Image Compositions Due